So many expectant mother's don't like to have their photos taken. To that, I say ba-hum-bug! No, you might not always feel gorgeous or photo worthy but I'm here to tell you that you are WORTH IT!
Don't believe me? Keep scrolling to read what some real live mom's said about maternity photography....
Here are some thoughts about maternity photos from some real live mommas when asked, "Is it worth it?"
"Yes! You want to remember how beautiful you are pregnant
❤️plus it'll be fun for kids to look back and see them in your tummy
" -Alexa
"I wish I had because I have a total of 2 awful pictures of me being pregnant and that's over 2 pregnancies!" -Dalton
"I struggled to get and stay pregnant and have struggled with both since so I am so, so, so happy I have them because they may never happen again." -Katie
"I didn't want to do them, but we got them done a week before little man was born and I'm so glad I did!" -Nohemi
"I totally regret that we never did them" - Juli
Maternity photos are a celebration! If you're pregnant with your first, these photos will be the last time you could be alone, haha! The last time before little fingers were shoved under the bathroom door while you're trying to have a quiet personal moment. The last time before you were pooped, peed and vomited on (all in one day!)
My top 10 reasons why you SHOULD schedule a maternity session:
10. You're only pregnant with this child once.
9. You deserve to feel pretty and pampered.
8. Pregnancy is a celebration.
7. It's not everyday you put on a gorgeous gown and do your hair! All my maternity clients have full access to my closet of maternity gowns. I mean, who wants to buy a super expensive gown to wear ONE time!
6. For posterity.
5. You'll regret it if you don't. You can't go back in time!
4. Freeze these moments in time.
3. Who doesn't love pretty photos of themselves?! For those who might feel awkward in front of the camera, it's MY job as your photographer to help you feel comfortable and direct you during your session. It will be painless!
2. If you already have children, you'll want to include them in your session to remember those sweet moments before baby sibling joined the family.
1. This is part of your story. Don't skip over the pages!
About this session-
Saltair is one of my favorite locations for any type of session. Bridal photography, family photos, maternity photography, missionary, etc... they all look ah-mazing in this setting. It's such a great spot for basically anytime of year too! This specific session was shot in early Feb 2020. Shelby brought along her husband and her momma. At the end of the session, I just HAD to grab a few shots of Shelby and her mom. There is nothing more special than a mother's love.